When she first sees it is when he returned after his ship was shipwrecked. He came out unclothed and not very good looking. But when he bathes, the goddess Athena makes him look much more attractive. Nausicaa then wants him to be her husband and does numerous favors for him. But Odysseus inly wants to get back to Penelope.
Act One -- and the entirety of the play -- is set in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was settled by Governor John Winthrop and around seven hundred Puritans in 1639.
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Answer: Hi There- The relationship of an autonomous relationship is a very common thing in the US. As the article stated before in autonomous marriages, it starts off with a lot of love and ends up getting a divorce. Whereas in arranged marriages which are very uncommon in the US and other places. The article states how through time love grows and those marriages last longer then autonomous
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