Explanation below
Advertising is the process of creating or promoting ones product or company's product in order to bring people or convince people to buy the particular product.
Human psychological factor can be described as the way people reason or think in deciding what they should do at a particular point in time. That is their reasoning sense in making decisions.
Generally, people want to know the reasons why they should buy a particular product, and that's why the advertisement must expose or make people to understand why that product is the best among its contemporaries.
The advertisement must make them to change their minds and make the decisions of patronising or buying the product.
Option B: With the beggining of railroad strikes in July 1877, US President Rutherford B Hayes decided to send federal troops to disolve the conflict, which ended -by the use of force- by August 1877.
Workers decided to go on strike given that the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company decided to cut their wages twice that year, spreading their claim over Martinsburg (West Virginia), Baltimore (Maryland), Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), St. Louis (Missoury), even Chicago (Illinois).
The correct answer to the following questions are these:
4. The one way that Reagan encouraged the growth of the conservative movement is appointing conservative Supreme Court justices.
5. A Nation at Risk reported on the declining test scores of students.
Hope this answers your questions.
"No taxation without representation!" was the cry. The colonists were not merely griping about the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act. They intended to place actions behind their words. One thing was clear — no colony acting alone could effectively convey a message to the king and Parliament. The appeals to Parliament by the individual legislatures had been ignored. It was James Otis who suggested an intercolonial conference to agree on a united course of action. With that, the STAMP ACT CONGRESS convened in New York in October 1765.
The Congress seemed at first to be an abject failure. In the first place, only nine of the colonies sent delegates. Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, and the all-important Virginia were not present. The Congress became quickly divided between radicals and moderates. The moderates would hold sway at this time. Only an extreme few believed in stronger measures against Britain than articulating the principle of no taxation without representation. This became the spirit of the STAMP ACT RESOLVES. The Congress humbly acknowledged Parliament's right to make laws in the colonies. Only the issue of taxation was disputed.
Colonial and personal differences already began to surface. A representative from New Jersey stormed out during the proceedings. The president of the Congress, TIMOTHY RUGGLES of Massachusetts, refused to sign the Stamp Act Resolves. In the end, however, the spirit of the Congress prevailed. Every colonial legislature except one approved the Stamp Act Resolves.