mass using E= mc^2 is = 0.007*(3E8)^2 = 6.3E14 Joules
hope this helps :)
Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Depending on the distance and nature of the lightning, thunder can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble (brontide). The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air surrounding and within a bolt of lightning.
miRNAs are short sequences of RNA (20-24pb) with high self-complementarity, allowing it to fold over itself (hair fork structure). This makes miRNA super stable, even in the highly reactive atmosphere of the cytoplasm.
miRNAs do not have RBPs as in RNAm. They are linked with different proteins of the post-transducer machenary, such as argonaute, DICER or others, to serve as a guide to the adequate protein complex.
The law of three stages is an idea developed by Auguste Comte in his work The Course in Positive Philosophy. It states that society as a whole, and each particular science, develops through three mentally conceived stages: (1) the theological stage, (2) the metaphysical stage, and (3) the positive stage.