Answer: The diffusion of ions along the axoplasm is faster,in myelinated compare to unmyelinated,
Neurons are the structural and functioning units of nervous system.They are the vehicles for transmission of impulses as electrical signals from one part of the cells,and from one part of the body to another.
The basic structural components of a typical neuron are the cellbody, the axon, and the dendrites.
Based on structure neurons are classified as myelinated and unmyelinated.This is based on the the surrounding layer of myelin sheath around the axon. The myelin provides the insulating layer for the axon.And ensures fast movement of impluses.
In myelinated neurons the myelin sheath are interrupted at intervals by gaps along the length of the axon called Nodes of Ranvier. These gaps contains more Na-K channels for influx and out-flux of K and Na+ ions for transmission of impulses.
The cytoplasm of axon is called axoplasm,Since this is surrounded by myelin sheath which contains Na-K+ channels,The rate of diffusion of ions along these channels is faster for depolarization to take place than in unmyelinated neurons. Inaddtion as these ions diffusion increases,its jump faster at the nodes of Ranvier (saltatory conduction) to the next axoplasm which further speed up the rate of transmission.
Unmyeinated lacks myelin sheath,therefore the exchange and the rate of diffusion of ions along the axons is low.
Genotypic ratio = 16 WwDd: 0
Phenotypic ratio = 16 white, disk shaped fruit : 0 yellow, sphere shaped fruit
This question involves two different genes coding for fruit color and fruit shape respectively. The allele for white fruit color (W) is dominant over yellow fruit color (w) and disk shaped fruit (D) is dominant over sphere-shaped fruit (d).
According to this question, If a squash plant pure-breeding for white, disk shaped fruit (WWDD) is crossed with a plant pure breeding for yellow, sphere shaped fruit (wwdd), the following gametes will be produced by each GAMETE:
wwdd - wd, wd, wd, wd
Using these gametes in a punnet square, all of the offsprings will have genotype WwDd, which is phenotypically white and disk shaped fruit.
The genotypic ratio is 4 WwDd: 0
The phenotypic ratio is 16 white, disk shaped fruit : 0 yellow, sphere shaped fruit.
The correct answer is C) The compound is an allosteric inhibitor.
An inhibitor works in many ways, but this particular one binds to the allosteric site in the enzyme causing a decrease of the enzymatic activity. When this situation happens, the inhibitor doesn't bind to the active site, but it changes the enzyme's shape so it cannot work properly anymore.
Well the stretchability relates to bubble size because the strechier the gum is the bigger bubble it will be able to make.