The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be st
artled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced. How does the repetition of the word “must” affect the tone of the piece?
The repetition shows that the speaker is concerned about something.
The repetition draws attention to the speaker’s anger.
The repetition suggests that the speaker is intimidating and demanding.
The repetition intensifies the speaker’s sense of urgency.
I’d say it intensifies the speakers sense of urgency, because the modal verb must in this sense is used forcefully, as to imply there is little time and action must be taken due to this.
The speaker wants things to happen now. Not a month from now, but right now. They are problems that have to be dealt with immediately.
So you have to pick D.
But that's not without making a comment about B. He is angry. If you had to have 2 choices, this is your second one. Having chosen D, you should not be surprised if your marker chooses B.
The Answer Is D.) "Tan discusses her mother’s English to support the idea that the language of one’s childhood is a person’s deepest, truest form of expression"