Dear Fahad,
We miss you too! I'm glad to hear your classes are going well.
Lately, I've been playing games with my little brother, when I'm not too busy with my classes.
Next summer I will be going on a lot of hikes with my family, looking forward to it! Thank you for getting back to me.
Your friend,
Title of work, what project, and what class, I'm pretty sure
Answer: A
I tokk this test yesterday,
healthy living is part of life . we cannot live with healthy living . if we want healthy living we should follow the balance died like proteins , minerals, vitamines ,and etc to follow the healthy living
Green environment is the most important in our life .we cannot live without it because the oxygen is also will come the green environment. by planting more greenery we will live healthy living
hope u like it please follow me
come up with each part of the story one at a time one box at a time
then slowly fill in each box till they are complete like this!
story idea jace gets up goes to school everything seems normal
part 1 that was part 1
part 2
he realizes he missed his english exam here is problem then part 3 is easy