The correct answer is acupuncture. Acupuncture is defined as a technique by which practitioners use by means of using needles by which they made use of it in inserting in certain parts of the body of an individual as they also practice in stimulating specific points of the body of the individual as a part of this technique.
The answer is A (or the first one) Im on this subject too
Variable Ratio Schedule
First, there are two different types of reinforcement:
The positive reinforcement applies a stimulus to increase the frequency of the desirable variable.
The negative reinforcement removes a stimulus to increase the frequency of the desirable variable.
However, the positive reinforcement divides itself in different types:
A continuous reinforcement schedule gives us a reinforcement every time we engaged in the desired conduct.
On the other side, the partial reinforcement schedule also divides itself in
And these divide themselves in fixed or variable.
- The fixed ratio schedule gives a reinforcement after a <u>fixed number</u> of desired responses.
- The variable ratio schedule gives a reinforcement after a <u>changing</u> <u>number</u> of desired responses.
- The fixed interval schedule gives a reinforcement after a <u>constant amount of time.</u>
- The variable interval schedule gives a reinforcement after a <u>variable amount of time.</u>
In the example, the rats get a pellet of food, so we're talking about a reinforcement. They <u>don't get a reward EVERY TIME</u> they press the bar so we are not talking about a continuous reinforcement but a partial reinforcement. Since the rats press the bar and get a reward after certain <u>NUMBER</u> of times, we're talking about a ratio schedule. Finally, the number of times they need to press the bar to get a reward <u>VARIES</u> from trial to trial so this is a Variable Ratio Schedule.
Purpose of gov: to protect rights, promote rule of law, prepare for common defense, support economic system, provide public services
Important because: maintain law and order