Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is used to duplicate traces of DNA from any living form, for identification purposes. The correct sequence is 1, 3, 2; based on the options given.
The steps to be followed for the PCR procedure are:
Option 1. Involves incubation at 94°C to denature DNA strands into single strands by breaking of weak hydrogen links
Option 3. Temperature is lowered to 60°C to allow primers joining their similar DNA sequences.
Option 2. Incubate at 72°C to promote the extension of the DNA strands, actually extending them.
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Moreover, a small amount of codeine is converted to morphine in the body. The precise mechanism of action of codeine is not known; however, like morphine, codeine binds to receptors in the brain (opioid receptors) that are important for transmitting the sensation of pain throughout the body and brain.
Answer: a. True
The main aim of the IRB is to safeguard the right of the human subjects used for the purpose of research conducted by the governmental authority. It also emphasizes over the protection of the researchers from illegal complaints. The risks to the human subjects can be minimized by using procedures which cause no harm to them and a detail consent of the research practice should be taken from these subjects by informing the purpose of research.
Answer: The father determines the biological sex of a baby
Explanation: Human beings have two sex chromosomes, males have XY chromosomes whereas females have XX chromosomes. During fertilization, an egg from a woman fuses with a sperm cell from a man to form a zygote. Women have two X chromosomes (XX) and any point in time they can only release an egg bearing an X chromosome but males have one X and one Y chromosome, therefore they can either release a sperm cell with an X chromosome or a sperm cell with a Y chromosome. When an egg with X-chromosome fuses with a sperm cell with an X chromosome, the resulting baby is a female but when an egg with an X chromosome fuses with a sperm cell with a Y chromosome, the resulting baby is a male.
What makes the difference in both sexes is the Y chromosome from the man, therefore the father determines the biological sex of a baby.