The Moon appears to Earth as a small crescent, as it rotates around the Earth this expands to a full moon and back to a small crescent. This happens once every 29 days and is called a lunar month. The Moon causes the rise and fall of the ocean's tides on Earth.
If two heterozygous parents mate, the phenotypes of the resulting offspring will be 75% dominant and 25% recessive
The carbohydrates will not be digested properly.
The kind of carbohydrates that a person takes from plants is in the form of amylose. From animals, a person will receive carbohydrates in the form of glycogen,
The digestion of carbohydrates begins as soon as the food is taken in the mouth by the amylase enzyme present in the saliva.
If a person does not have the salivary glands, then there will be no production of saliva and amylase enzyme. Hence, the carbohydrates will not be digested.
Blood is made up of red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma. The plasma consists of water (mostly) and dissolved nutrients. When blood is exposed to air, the blood will clot, due to aggravation of the platelets. Then you get a forming scab that will help heal the part that the blood is being exposed from.