<h2>CNS </h2>
An example of a myelin producing cell in the CNS is oligodendrocyte
- The major function of oligodendrocytes is the formation of myelin
- Myelin acts as an insulator of axonal segments and is a prerequisite for the high velocity of nerve conduction
- Larger axons form thicker myelin
- During development, oligodendrocytes arise from precursors located in the sub-ventricular zone such as the sub-ventricular zone of the lateral ventricles for the cerebrum or the fourth ventricle for the cerebellum
- In the spinal cord, oligodendrocytes originate from the ventral regions of the neural tube and in the optic nerve they migrate into the nerve from the third ventricle
- It is the oligodendrocyte precursor cells which migrate to their destination where they then differentiate into the more mature oligodendrocytes
- The proliferation of the oligodendrocyte progenitor cells is controlled by a number of growth factors released predominantly from neurons but also from astrocytes such as platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
A little more context would be helpful, but in general Gram Staining helps us to decipher between two major groups of bacteria (Gram positive and Gram Negative). This is helpful because different antibiotics must be used to treat infections from the different types of bacteria, so it will help them to properly medicate Anna.
When salt and sugar dissolve in water it is a physical change. The chemical makeup of the salt and sugar are not changed.
Physical change
This phenomenon can be explained by Allen's rule. It says that the body proportions and shape may vary in different climates. The temperature decreases as the latitude increases, so in the northern region is much colder. Animals must preserve heat in such conditions. So, exposed surface areas of the body, such as the ears, feet, and tail, are usually minimized to minimize heat loss in the cold climate. <span>Therefore, northern species often have smaller ears, feet, and tail than the southern species. </span>
When a muscle cell contracts, the myosin heads each produce a single power stroke.
In rest, attraction strengths between myosin and actin filaments are inhibited by the tropomyosin. When the muscle fiber membrane depolarizes, the action potential caused by this depolarization enters the t-tubules depolarizing the inner portion of the muscle fiber. This activates calcium channels in the T tubules membrane and releases calcium into the sarcolemma. At this point, <em>tropomyosin is obstructing binding sites for myosin on the thin filament</em>. When calcium binds to the troponin C, the troponin T alters the tropomyosin by moving it and then unblocks the binding sites. Myosin heads bind to the uncovered actin-binding sites forming cross-bridges, and while doing it ATP is transformed into ADP and inorganic phosphate which is liberated. Myofilaments slide impulsed by chemical energy collected in myosin heads, <u>producing a power stroke</u>. The power stroke initiates when the myosin cross-bridge binds to actin. As they slide, ADP molecules are released. A new ATP links to myosin heads and breaks the bindings to the actin filament. Then ATP splits into ADP and phosphate, and the energy produced is accumulated in the myosin heads, which starts a new binding cycle to actin. Z-bands are then pulled toward each other, thus shortening the sarcomere and the I-band, and producing muscle fiber contraction.