The threats as well as the risk and vulnerabilities are present with the WLAN. The WLAN would encounter security issues with the range of the signal which is wireless, SSID broadcasting, password security and the packet sniffing or the capturing of signal.
Issue the reload command without saving the running configuration.
hasempty = False
for name in names:
if ( not name ):
hasempty = True
break # speed things up
So the person can know what you want and it helps keep better track of emails and subject matters
name ="^([\w \.-]), ([\w \.-])$", list_name)
Regular expression is used to simplify the mode in which items in a data structure are for. It uses wildcards as shortcuts.
The python module for regular expression is 're'. The import statement is used to get the module and the search() method of the module is used to get the one matching item while the findall() method is used to get a list of all the matching items in a data structure.