The regime type of the government is indicator on whether the nation is in danger of genocide or not, an anocratic, or a transitional government, is the government that is in the most danger while a full monarchy, in the most stable.
A state is more likely to experience genocide or mass atrocity if they have a history of identity-related tensions, otherwise known as a tendency of othering,
States with low levels of economy development are more likely to have problems because it creates low opportunity cost for mass violence, as the citizen’s lives aren't valued as much as in an economy that has high levels.
Social fragmentation can by five major sub categories; identity-based social divisions, demographic pressures, unequal access to basic goods and services, gender inequalities, and political instability.
Roosevelt increased government regulation of business through the meat inspection act and the pure food and drug act.
I believe the answer is: <span>to establish a Latin American common market.
They aimed to create an equivalent of North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) for nations in latin america.
From the total of 20 Latin American countries, LAIA managed to absorb 13 out of that 20 as its members.</span>
Sparta was a main military power in Greece, all the focus was on military. In Athens, while the military was important, the arts, litiature, and philosophy where also highly valued, where in Sparta, these where considered wastefulness pastimes.