A busy market place is full of people and is always bustling with activity. There are the different sellers who are part of the crowd and they are trying to entice the buyers to buy their products.
she wants to work for everyone and help out
I think it's cultural details maybe I'm right or not.
<span>From the excerpt from Hard Times by Charles Dickens, the lines that include the images of the horrors of industrialization are letters A, B and C.</span>
A. it was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of a savage.
It shows that the area is painted red and black , the original color was red and it symbolizes the fertility and naturalness of the original civilization until industrialization came in. The black ones represent the massive dirt and grime that the industries emitted.
B. serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled.
Serpents of smoke means the trail of black smoke emitted from the factories of the industries. The production of these gases indicates that the industries are still producing something regardless of the effect it has on the environment and on the people.
C. black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with ill-smelling dye.
The black canal represents the waste that the industry is producing and the smell that is stagnant for years as no one will try to clean the polluted water.</span>