R<span> is for Ravishing, an entrancing beauty</span>
A<span> is for Athletic, a sporting talent</span>
B<span> is for Beautiful, as god made you</span>
B<span> is for Beautiful, you take my breath away</span>
I<span> is for Incredible, amazingly awesome</span>
T<span> is for Tactful, ever sensitive</span>
D<span> is for Desirable, so very attractive</span>
E<span> is for Exemplary, a class act to follow</span>
E<span> is for Ethical, an upright person</span>
R<span> is for Ravishing, an entrancing beauty</span>
1. Should've Studied (I think?)
2. Stayed
3. Helped
4. Forgot
5. Shouldn't have Spoke
6. Said
It’s not really that confusing..
I thinks its false because the bleating sheep in animal farm are not like cheerleaders