Typically, the use of ellipses indicate that there is a small pause that the reader should take before reading more. usually ellipses are used for dramatic moments, to help build suspense, or sad moments in a story.
Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter (or sound) at the beginning of closely connected words. Of the 22 words in this sentence, 4 of them start with "st," as to "br," which is only 1 word, "sp," which is only 1 word, and "ut," which is also only 1 word. Hope this helped!
Answer:the cat
Explanation: I’m just guessing...
When you switch the sentence around such that the subject is being acted upon.
Here's what a sentence with active voice would look like:
John kicked the ball.
In this sentence, John is the subject, and he's kicking a ball. The subject is acting upon an object.
Now, what would happen if we made the ball the subject instead?
The ball was kicked by John.
This is passive voice. The ball is the subject, and it was acted upon by an object, in this case John.