pipes is to water hope this helps
There are two opposing views on the Manhattan project. One, see it as one of United States greatest achievements from Second World War while others view it as a crime against humanity. Let's discuss this in detail.
Many hold the point of view that the Manhattan project resulted in the development of the deadliest weapon in history. It resulted in the deaths of more than a 100,000 people in Japan and continues to be a problem in the world today.
The other point of view is that the Manhattan project was necessary and if American had not developed it, the Germans would have, which would have made it a much more dangerous place. Supporters also point out to how it helped in the development of clean nuclear energy and nuclear medical science which benefits everyone today.
Personally, I agree that it was, at least, a necessary evil, which has protected the country and gave us tons of other benefits.
The correct answers are:
- he mobilized the military;
- he seized the Sudetenland;
- he invaded Belgium;
Hitler was not interested in respecting the Treaty of Versailles at all, as he thought that it is not fair towards Germany, and that it is a way that the other countries try to stop the progress of his country. Therefore, Hitler mobilized the military, started annexing territories, and after that started to invade territories.
2. Axis;
Germany, Italy, and Japan formed the Axis Powers. These three countries were the ones responsible for the World War II, and they created a real horror on a global scale, especially Germany and Japan with their genocides.
3. Germany became a protectorate;
Germany was obliged to do numerous things with the Treaty of Versailles, but being protectorate was not one those things. Germany remained an independent self-governing country.
1. The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution
the trade of African Americans by boat across the Atlantic and West Indies