Offer more healthy foods in the cafeteria and raise the prices on unhealthy foods because young people need money to go out
Answer:a. This study involved comparison of two populations. What were the populations?
1) Pregnant women who took the drug.
2)Pregnant women who didn't take the drug.
b. Do you suppose the data were obtained in a survey or experiment?
- Survey
C.Provide a descriptive statistic that could be used to estimate the number of women out of 1000 in this population who have tissue abnormalities.
-out of 1,000 women developed tissue abnormalities
D. remember that women whose mothers took the drug were twice as likely to develop tissue abnormalities.)
___ out of 1,000 women developed tissue abnormalities
e. Medical sudies often use a relatively large sample (in this case 3980). Why?
medical studies often use a relatively large sample (in this case, 3980) because disease occurrences can be rare and difficult to observe when only isolated populations are considered.
Nurse should Wear medical alert identification. Carry an epinephrine (adrenaline) auto-injector for emergency treatment.
When a client is having latex allergies a nurse should use sterile latex free examination gloves where exposure to blood or body fluids are anticipated should be worn to protect the staff member. Vinyl gloves should be worn for food service only.
Latex allergies can be avoided by avoiding oil-based creams or lotions when using latex gloves. They may cause the gloves to break down. Wash hands with a mild soap and dry hands completely after using gloves. If a nurse is using latex gloves, she should also use powder-free gloves with reduced protein content. Such gloves reduce exposures to latex protein and thus reduce the risk of latex allergy.
To learn more about Latex allergies , here
An improper diet. A straight answer.