THe staff of the medical office will need to enter, maintain and retrieve data from electronic health records within a hospital. EHR is the term used which means electronic health records that recorded all the health data of the hospitals.
The code will give an error that is "At least one public class is required in main file".
In the given code if we do not use the public access modifier to the class. It will give an error so, the correct code to this question as follows:
import java.util.HashSet; //import package
public class A //define class as public.
public static void main(String[ ] args) //define main method.
HashSet set = new HashSet(); //creating hashset object.
set.add("A"); //add alphabet in hashset
set.add("B"); //add alphabet in hashset
set.add("C"); //add alphabet in hashset
System.out.print("Size of HashSet is :"set.size()); //print the size of hashset.
Size of HashSet is : 3
Explanation of the program:
- In the above program, we define a public class that is "A" and inside the class, we define the main method.
- Inside the main method, we create a HashSet class object that is "set".
- To add elements in HashSet we use add() function that adds elements and in the last, we use the size() function that prints the size HashSet.
IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC)
macro virus
Macro virus -
A micro virus is written in a micro language , where the programming language is present in the application of software like the powerpoint , excel , microsoft office , word processor , etc.
These virus gets activated as soon as the file is opened and then the virus starts to spread all over the system .
The virus may be send via email , and as soon as the file is opened , the macro virus gets activated.
Hence, from the given information of the question,
The correct term is macro virus.