Whittier used "We" and "Thou" as forms of repetition in his song of slaves in the desert.
We: He used we as to show that basically slaves WERE NOT alone in this at all. In a way at that time, every single slave was connected with each other no matter what.
Thou: From what i have seen, Whittier is using "Thou" to refer to God. For example: "We are fools, but Thou art wise"
For the devices, he's using Anaphora for "Thou" and maybe Conduplicatio for "We".
She should re-read her poem carefully and see if she has spelling errors..
This led to
explaination- it’s the only answer choice stating that one thing led to another
Caliban is Prospero's dark, earthy slave. He tried to take Miranda's innocence, and as a result, Prospero imprisoned him and tried to civilize him by teaching him language. Caliban's behavior is harmful as he is completely savage and unable to control his basic drives, such as sexual desire.
He is given the tasks such as carrying the wood, and he always protests and curses. As he points out in Act I, Scene II, <em>'You taught me language, and my profit on't. Is I know how to curse.' </em>Caliban is defiant, full of hatred and discontent, which culminates when he plots against Prospero, together with Stefano and Trinculo.