<h3><em><u>Three types of financial professionals are personal financial advisors, financial analysts and financial managers</u></em><em><u>.</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>Financial managers typically:</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>Financial managers typically:Prepare financial statements, business activity reports, and forecasts,</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>Financial managers typically:Prepare financial statements, business activity reports, and forecasts,Monitor financial details to ensure that legal requirements are met,</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>Financial managers typically:Prepare financial statements, business activity reports, and forecasts,Monitor financial details to ensure that legal requirements are met,Supervise employees who do financial reporting and budgeting,</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>Financial managers typically:Prepare financial statements, business activity reports, and forecasts,Monitor financial details to ensure that legal requirements are met,Supervise employees who do financial reporting and budgeting,Review company financial reports and seek ways to reduce costs</u></em><em><u>.</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>responsibilities for financial analysts include:</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>responsibilities for financial analysts include:Analyzing current and past financial data and performance.</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>responsibilities for financial analysts include:Analyzing current and past financial data and performance.Preparing reports and projections based on this analysis.</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>responsibilities for financial analysts include:Analyzing current and past financial data and performance.Preparing reports and projections based on this analysis.Evaluating current capital expenditures and depreciation.</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>responsibilities for financial analysts include:Analyzing current and past financial data and performance.Preparing reports and projections based on this analysis.Evaluating current capital expenditures and depreciation.Exploring investment opportunities.</u></em></h3><h3><em><u>responsibilities for financial analysts include:Analyzing current and past financial data and performance.Preparing reports and projections based on this analysis.Evaluating current capital expenditures and depreciation.Exploring investment opportunities.Establishing and evaluating profit plans.</u></em></h3>
The way it can also be seen is that philosofy, rather than provide you with such answers, sets a path for us to come up with our own interpretation of those kinds of questions. Let's take this question, for instance: Does God exist? Nietzsche said he has died but, does that mean he ever existed? Descartes: "Cogito ergo sum", How can someone thinks if not existed already? Philosofy gives you the tools to think of reality and come up with your own thoughts of it. So perhaps it is more accurate to see philosofy as "the mother of all sciences" and start from such an affirmation