The development of agriculture occur circa around 8000-6000 years ago. It was a time where many nomadc population begin to settle in a place, thus effectively starting the civilization as we know now. it was a huge shift for humanity and it was probably one of the most important, if not <em>the</em> most important achievement in human history.
It was quickly accepted as the preferred food source by people living in settlements because it could be planned and organized, thus helping people reaching a balance easily and preventing them from being dependent from the results of hunt and gathering. it was a safe and sicure way to assure food for everyone.
serfdom, condition in medieval Europe in which a tenant farmer was bound to a hereditary plot of land and to the will of his landlord. The vast majority of serfs in medieval Europe obtained their subsistence by cultivating a plot of land that was owned by a lord. This was the essential feature differentiating serfs from slaves, who were bought and sold without reference to a plot of land. The serf provided his own food and clothing from his own productive efforts. A substantial proportion of the grain the serf grew on his holding had to be given to his lord. The lord could also compel the serf to cultivate that portion of the lord’s land that was not held by other tenants (called demesne land). The serf also had to use his lord’s grain mills and no others.