In 610 CE, the prophet Muhammad has a vision that ultimately led to the creation of Islam. However, when Muhammad died in 632 CE, people disagreed over who should succeed him as caliph. The Sunnis believed that Abu Bakr (his successor) was the right choice, which the Shiites disagreed, believing that the next caliph should've been Ali, Muhammad's brother in law. Still to this day, there is a definite split, and while they both have the same fundamental beliefs, neither get along well. This issue is especially prevalent in the Middle East where the majority of people are Sunnis, however the Shiites do not want them to hold power, so rebellion occurs. Likewise, when the Shiites gain power, the Sunnis rebel. The terrorist group ISIS is technically fighting for the Sunnis, however it is important to note that they practice a very radical form and do not represent the beliefs of most Muslims.
lol he got that from the internet waste or ur time look The ancient Egyptians were one of the first cultures to widely divide days into generally agreed-upon equal parts, using early timekeeping devices such as sundials, shadow clocks, and merkhets (plumb-lines used by early astronomers). Obelisks are used by reading the shadow that it makes.its the same thing!
They were first mentioned by the political philosopher John Locke. He was very influential for the founding fathers who based the ideas of rights that are self evident on his philosophy. According to him, the natural rights were those of life, liberty, and property, a bit different than what ended in the final documents.
The great schisms were disputres in the catholic church