introduce the main point of the essay
This is a type of sentence wherein its execution is postponed until a later specified time. Determinate or Fixed Sentence: This is a general sentence for a fixed amount of time, not generally subject to modification or adjustment; Final Sentence: This is final sentence rendered that puts a complete closing to the criminal ...
Apart from the guiding questions provided in the passage, below are some steps to make a good summary:
- Eliminate non-vital information.
- Join sentences with related ideas.
- Re-organize ideas to improve sentence fluency.
Taking these into consideration, here is an example summary from the passage taken from History and Geography 7, Unit 6.
Archaeologists discovered that people came to the North American continent long ago possibly by crossing fifty-six miles between Asia and Alaska. While the date and details of their trip remain unknown, as nomads, they migrated during the spring and summer in search of food for their herds and camped during the winter. Eventually, they settled from the east coast to the tip of South America. Artifacts found from this era were used for hunting animals to get food and clothing.