The advice I would give to someone who has a new boss is that o would get to know the boss better so I can be more of his friend. In the future I think I would handle my boss of I take this advice.
The Poetry presents distinctive perspectives of Love. Shakespeare's sonnets donne's a valediction disallowing grieving and Johnson's melody to celia. Regardless of whether she passed on, Johnson still cherishes her and emptied all his affection into his tune.
Shakespeare's works is the title of an accumulation of 154 sonnets by William Shakespeare, which covers subjects, for example, the progression of time, love, magnificence and mortality. The initial 126 poems are routed to a young fellow; the last 28 to a lady.
Your answer would be the first one!
Three hearts three forehead you and I are old old age half yet his honor and his toil. The main theme is that the old can regain on her by taking up the challenges again
They speak with power and strength about a time of hopelessness.