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He is academically and professionally well-equipped. He must possess progressive outlook and constructive leadership. An ideal headmaster recognizes that a good organization is an arrangement of persons, wherein its members may work effectively, economically and harmoniously together to achieve a common purpose. The Headmaster must be cultured, well- behaved. He must be social and sociable. He should be able to win confidence and earn respect of others.
The good Headmaster is the leader of school. He should have a clear perception of ideals of education. He must possess ability to coordinate the work of the human equipment of the school. He should not be parasite of public funds.
Really, an ideal Headmaster is sensitive to the needs of the society. He may be able to transform schools into tree and cooperative communities of youth. He must have good knowledge communities of youth. He must have a good knowledge of child and adolescent psychology, general principles of health and hygiene, the latest trends and practices in education.
Play’s opening lines, Richard III (Duke of Gloucester)
It purposes in the opening scene 1. it depicts the motivations and personality of the character. In the play's opening lines, Richard III (Which is the Duke of Gloucester) reveals how much he hates himself because of his deformities and birth defects.
I hope this helped. I am sorry if you get this wrong.