i got a!!! it never said it from any specific point of view
1)Provide quality education to your people rather than unnecessary spending in buying advanced weapons etc.
2)Make sure that education is not costly ,so that it will be available to all .
3)Try to promote your domestic bussiness rather than importing .It will boost the domestic market .
4)Try to improvise the policies efficiently rather than creating new policies evey week or month.
5)Pay well to your employees so they feel motivated .This can make sure they don't involved in malpractices such as corruption, malingering etc.
6)Develop infrastructure in every sector ,most important wil be road,railways,electricity,industries.
7)And most important choose your government wisely.
Note: all I’m my own prespective
He died from "syphilis".
The primary indication of syphilis is a little, effortless sore. It can show up on the sexual organs, rectum, or inside the mouth. This sore is known as a chancre. Individuals frequently neglect to see it immediately.
Syphilis can be trying to analyze. Somebody can have it without demonstrating any side effects for a considerable length of time. Notwithstanding, the prior syphilis is found, the better. Syphilis that remaining parts untreated for quite a while can make real harm vital organs, similar to the heart and cerebrum.
(D) All of the above.
In this example, all of the above are instances of ways in which self and options knowledge influence career decision-making. Self and options knowledge can allow a job seeker to clarify a problem at hand. Moreover, it can also help the person know about the world of work, and in this way, better understand his options. Finally, self and options knowledge can help a person identify where interests, skills, and values fit into the decision-making process.
I believe it's interstate 81