Despite their small size the Baltic states have taken successful steps to economic growth, introducing democracy, participating in world organizations (UN, NATO), contributing to peace, being members of the EU...
The answer is VEIN , was my answer helpful?
I live close to the Everglades! It’s a national park where lots of exotic animals live. It’s 1.5 million acres of tropical wetland. In the 1800s they were gonna drain it but the idea went away. 50% of the original wetlands have been turned into farmland and urban areas
<span>India is a monsoonal country , with 80 % of rainfall concentrated in 3-4 months. Though some part of country gets rainfall in nov-dec and some in jan – feb , these are light showers. Nearly 70 % farmers are are small farmers with land holding less than 2 hectares . Late onset and early withdrawal of rains affect this section of farmers most. With economy largely dependant of agriculture , failure or scant rains have devastating effect on economy</span>
The Relative Humidity tend to decrease from morning to afternoon and as evening approaches increases and this as a result of the relationship between RH and increase in temperature
The relative humidity is the amount of water vapor the air is holding right now as a percentage of what it would be holding if it were saturated. If you increase the temperature, however, the amount of water vapor the air can hold increases, so the relative humidity decreases and vice versa for decrease in Temperature. This explains the reason for high RH in the morning decreasing into the afternoon and rising again in the evening.