Working.During the Industrial Revolution, that took place in the late nineteenth century, many cities in the United States were booming with large factories that were usingnew advances in technology to expand their business. Many industrial workers now worked in factories or mines (Nash, 531).In Chicago you had the Chicago Meat Packing Industry, the largest slaughter house in the world that could now control every aspect of the meat packing industry. Over 25 thousand men, women, and children worked for the Chicago Meat Packing Industry. Processing 14 million animals a year (BOA Episode 14). With advances in shipping methods, and the invention of the refrigerated railroad car, an animal could now be shipped to, killed, butchered, and sent out for sale all in the slaughter house. The workers in the slaughter house were often not very skilled labors and the company took advantage of that. To keep wages and complaints low, the packing house would pick workers each morning that would come and line up, hoping for work. This meant that you never knew if you would have a job at the packing house because there was always someone else trying to take your place. The working conditions were disgusting at the packing house. In the winter time many workers would put their feet inside of a freshly killed animalto keep warm, as the factory was not heated and Chicago would become very coldin the winter months.
Reformers wanted to make Native Americans like whites—to “Americanize” them. The Dawes Act, passed in 1887, was intended to encourage Native Americans to give up their traditional ways and become farmers. The act divided reservations into individual plots of land for each family.
B.contract between europe and the far east had increased
The Great Society programs that supported education was Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. This was the act that was designed by Francis Keppel and he was the Commissioner of Education. This act was signed on 11th of April in the year 1965. A significant amount of federal aid is given towards public education.