Preston Brooks was a Southern Congressman and a passionate advocate of Southern Rights. Charles Sumner was an ardent abolitionist who delivered an impassioned speech against the authors of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1856. He also ridiculed the speech impediment of one of the authors, Andrew Butler. Preston Brooks got angry because he was the nephew of Andrew Butler. Together with a friend, Brooks approached Sumner as the latter worked at his desk and started caning Sumner. Sumner collapsed in the aisle and Preston Brooks continued caning him until his cane broke. Southerners sent canes to Preston Brooks to replace the one he broke.
Congress has the power to set up and organize all federal courts below the Supreme Court.
federal courts
Congress had many powers including coining money, they could declare war, they regulated commerce, imposed policies and rules for immigrants and they raised military forces.
Apart from all these the congress had the powers to set up and organise all the federal courts below the supreme court. They could establish federal courts and could control their jurisdiction. They controlled taxes, prices, excise duties etc.
Abu Bakr was an adviser and companion of the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Abu Bakr controlled the administration and later selected as caliph (ruler of the Islam community) after Muhammad's death. As a caliph, Abu Bakr launched many military campaigns to bring Arabia under Islam and was successful in expanding Islam further through conquering.
Green which or international meridian is the answer