PROGRAM QuadraticEquation
REAL :: a, b, c
REA :: d
REAL :: root1, root2
//read in the coefficients a, b and c
READ(*,*) a, b, c
WRITE(*,*) 'a = ', a
WRITE(*,*) 'b = ', b
WRITE(*,*) 'c = ', c
// computing the square root of discriminant d
d = b*b - 4.0*a*c
IF (d >= 0.0) THEN //checking if it is solvable?
d = SQRT(d)
root1 = (-b + d)/(2.0*a) // first root
root2 = (-b - d)/(2.0*a) // second root
WRITE(*,*) 'Roots are ', root1, ' and ', root2
ELSE //complex roots
WRITE(*,*) 'There is no real roots!'
WRITE(*,*) 'Discriminant = ', d
END PROGRAM QuadraticEquationSolver
1 inch (2.54 cm
the default top and bottom margins were 1 inch (2.54 cm), but 1.25 inches (3.17 cm) were given at the left and the right.
That's standard for document size by default.
False, because they are called percussion group
the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively.
Social control:
Social control is a concept within the disciplines of the social sciences.
Social control is the study of the mechanisms, in the form of patterns of pressure, through which society maintains social order and cohesion. ... Regardless of its source, the goal of social control is to maintain conformity to established norms and rules.
They are loans that accrue interest over time and the person who has taken out the unsubsidized loan (generally students) are in charge of the interest that has been accrued over the years.
<span>When I was a student, my mom always told me to only use the subsidized loans if possible, because interest doesn't accrue on those loans while you are in school, and depending on the loan itself, you don't have to pay them back.</span>