well for one you can find a lot for examples like if the light of a blazing hot sun was reflecting on a wooden stick the spot where the sun is reflecting would have a red mark with smoke comming out the stop
I would probably want to give my child one or two specific traits like intelligence or no inheritable diseases, because I would want my child to have a excellent chance of success in life.
Since IDK which two you would choose, I'll just list all of them: fish have developed a light, streamlined body to get through water quickly to evade predators with and swim with ease, owls have big eyes so their pupils can get enough light to see in the dark since they're nocturnal, their light bodies and special (Fluffy???) flight feathers let it fly with virtually no sound, allowing it to sneak up on prey, tortoises have a large, hard shell for protection from predators and provides a mobile home on their back! Bats may be practically blind but that doesn't stop them when using echolocation to detect prey and chase it no matter what moves they make or obstacles in the way, snowshoe hares have big feet to sit on top of the snow in the cold winters where they live, their fur also changes colors as the snow melts and the plants start coming back in the more warmer seasons, poison dart frogs, sorry, IDK, cacti have developed spines all over them as self defense, (from what IDK) and they can last a long time without water (I think, don't quote me on that ^^') hope this helps
Modern invasive species are characterized by broad environmental tolerances, which contribute to their ability to survive during both the transport and establishment phases of invasion. Studies of modern and invasive species have demonstrated that invader species regularly displace native species through higher resource efficiency or competitive ability. A striking feature of the biogeographic pattern is the differential survival of species with large geographic ranges. Species with larger geographic ranges tend, on average, to have broader ecological tolerances than those with small ranges.