The Conservative Response: Let the Economy Stabilize
A conservative is someone who cherishes and seeks to preserve traditional customs and values. For conservatives in the 1930s, these values included self-reliance, individual responsibility, and personal liberty. Conservatives tend to prefer the status quo, or current conditions, to abrupt changes. They accept change, but only in moderation. Depression-era conservatives opposed large governmental efforts to effect change, which they felt challenged their values.
As the Depression worsened, conservatives resisted calls for radical changes to the free enterprise system. Left alone, they argued, the economy would soon stabilize and then begin to improve.
Some economists supported conservatives’ hands-off approach. They insisted that economic downturns and periods of low economic activity—known as panics—were normal. They were part of the business cycle, a pattern in which economic growth is followed by decline, panic, and finally recovery. These lows were natural in a capitalist economy, economists argued. They noted that good times followed even the severe panics of the 1870s and 1890s. The economy would also recover from this severe period.
At the start of the Depression, many Americans shared this outlook. Most preferred to suffer in silence rather than admit they needed help. But as the Depression progressed, people ran short of food and fuel. Many had no choice but to seek aid. Conservatives insisted that charities take on the growing task of providing basic necessities to the needy. If government had to step in, they argued, it should be local governments’ responsibility to care for their own.
Cultural Structure.
The Five Civilized Tribes refers to the five Native American nations—the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek (Muscogee), and Seminole. These were the first tribes that were considered to be "civilized" by the European settlers. The tribes each adopted Christianity, literacy, intermarriage (with white Americans), centralized governments, plantation slavery practices, etc.
I guess this is Just my opinionated answer but its all I could think of- the reason that the question is controversial is all of the subjects within the question are still to this day considered below the average white man. and each and every one of those subjects have fought to get to the amount of power they have today almost equally, and 10x harder than the average white man. ill explain:
women: woman got the right to vote in 1920- this is the 19th amendment to the U.S constitution- it took 19 amendments for a woman in this country to have a voice. before that- woman could barely breathe in public without being burned at the stake (AHEM: salem witch trials) and women still to this day arent taken seriously- we just got our 1st female vice president Kamala Harris- and the bitter (primarily white men) make it a point to say that women should not be in a position of power- and if they are THEY DEFINITELY SLEPT WITH THEIR BOSS. but let a woman attack a mans ego and he dams all women
Natives: well lets just start with the fact that THE COLONIZERS stole the land that was originally owned by natives- they were kinda there first . and then the FACT that the British turned around and KILLED every native they came in contact with. and then the natives had to deal with IMPERIALISM which was basically forcing the white mans ways on any other race, culture, religeon, or ethnicity- because the white man concidered it uncivilized to be different.
chicanos: mexican american war: mexico used to own California, new Mexico, arizona, and texas but one of the previous presidents sold them to the US to avoid a boarder war. - well guess what that didnt stop very much. because yes 1,000s of immigrants are legally (and illegally) crossing the boarder into a new life- but racism is everywhere and latin American people were even forced to pick grapes at 1 point.
african American: SLAVERY, the civil rights movement, police brutality, these are just some of the things they had to face- and still have to today. and they continue to fight for the rights that others are just born with.
so the progress, the success- in general- id say is about the same- speaking about how hard the history (and present day) was and is for all of these subjects. that in its self is how i believe that the question is controversial
(excuse the long explanation)
Can u take a picture because it’s really small when i view the picture
I think the answer is c that what i think