The communist victory in China marks a significant chapter in the modern history of the country.
The communists were lead by Mao while the nationalists were led by Chiang Kai-shek.
The 4 reasons due to which the communists won are:
1. Chiang's policies of oppression and violence did not help him get widespread support
2. Chiang was supported by the Americans, but the support eventually weakened
3. The message of the communists resonated with the poor farmers and the peasant class, which Chiang failed to engaged.
4. Mao was able to get some form of support, albeit limited, from the Soviet Union
C) Israel and Judah hope it helps
Answer:n 1790, Alexander Hamilton proposed the creation of a national bank.
The monarch refused to even receive it. It had been handed to the Earl of Darmouth on September 1, 1775, by Richard Penn and Arthur Lee on behalf o the Continental Congress. John Dickinson was its author. With careful language, the document expressed the disatisfaction of colonists with the policies of the crown´s ministers and justifies taking arms as a form of self-defense. The document manifests loyalty to the crown. After learning the reaction of the king, many Americans came to realize that the opressive policies approved by Parliament were of the king´s knowledge.
Explanation:And has ever since their departure been breaking out with greater violence after their embarkation. One of their justices, most thoroughly acquainted with the people and their intentions, on the trial of a man of the 14th Regiment, openly and publicly in the hearing of great numbers of people and from the seat of justice, declared "that the soldiers must now take care of themselves, nor trust too much to their arms, for they were but a handful; that the inhabitants carried weapons concealed under their clothes, and would destroy them in a moment, if they pleased". This, considering the malicious temper of the people, was an alarming circumstance to the soldiery. Since which several disputes have happened between the townspeople and the soldiers of both regiments, the former being encouraged thereto by the countenance of even some of the magistrates, and by the protection of all the party against government. In general such disputes have been kept too secret from the offi- cers. On the 2d instant two of the 29th going through one Gray's ropewalk, the rope-makers insultingly asked them if they would empty a vault. This unfortunately had the desired effect by provoking the soldiers, and from words they went to blows. Both parties suffered in this afftay, and finally the soldiers retired to their quarters. The officers, on the first knowledge of this transaction, took every precaution in their power to prevent any ill consequence. Notwithstanding which, single quarrels could not be prevented, the inhabitants constantly provoking and abusing the soldiery. The insolence as well as utter hatred of the inhabitants to the troops increased daily, insomuch that Monday and Tuesday, the 5th and 6th instant, were privately agreed on for a general engagement, in consequence of which several of the militia came from the country armed to join their friends, menacing to destroy any who should oppose them. This plan has since been discovered.