The answer is 10110
Divide 22 over 2. Use long division to find the quotient and remainder
22/2 = 11 remainder 0 <<--- this remainder will be used later. Call it A, so A = 0
Now repeat for the value 11, which was the quotient above
11/2 = 5 remainder 1 <<--- this remainder will be used later. Call it B, so B = 1
Repeat again for the quotient we just got
5/2 = 2 remainder 1 <<--- this remainder will be used later. Call it C, so C = 1
Repeat again
2/2 = 1 remainder 0 <<--- this remainder will be used later. Call it D, so D = 0
Repeat again
1/2 = 0 remainder 1 <<--- this remainder will be used later. Call it E, so E = 1
The last quotient above is 0, so we stop here. If we tried to keep going, then we'd get nothing but 0 remainders forever.
The remainders we got above were:
A = 0
B = 1
C = 1
D = 0
E = 1
The idea is to read the remainders in reverse order in which we found. So we start with E and work back to A
E = 1
D = 0
C = 1
B = 1
A = 0
So 22 base 10 = 10110 base 2
20% also equals 1/5, right?
So in order to find the total number of turtle nests, just find 5/5, or multiply 15 by 5.
15 x 5 = 75
There were 75 total nests
Step-by-step explanation:
the the 5 minus the 12 and the 0 minus the negative one all finds it way. back to the equation d
Internal validity
Step-by-step explanation:
The internal validity here is weak
Internal validity describes the extent to which an evidence weighs the cause and effect claim. In this study, the internal validity that brought about failure in the new exam is mainly due to the environment where the exam was written and not the new exam itself.
So this validity is weak in claiming that the new exam is not a good substitute for the old exam.
Putting them in the same good environment might help the researchers to draw a better conclusion.