night terrors.
Night terrors refer to unexpected awakenings from non-REM sleep, which is characterized by extreme fear, panic and strong physiological arousal. Night terrors usually happen during stage four of non-REM sleep, which is the deepest stage of sleep and humans are least aware of outside stimulation.
South Carolina became one of the wealthiest early colonies largely due to exports of cotton, rice, tobacco, and indigo dye.
Universalism: The term universalism is referred to as the theological and the philosophical concept that states a few specific ideas posses universal applicability or application. An important tenet in the concept of universalism is belief which is considered as a fundamental truth. It is considered as important as it reflects the shared characteristics between all humans and therefore it is a normative perspective.
In the question above, Tia was following the universalism ethical system.
Answer: A the people of a nation should have a shared culture and ethnicity
Planned change
Digitization is the transformation of the process of of doing things from the manual system to electronic (An indication of a planned changed).
E-commerce is the process of selling goods and services through a specified online platform (a pointer of a planned change)
E-purchasing is the process of placing order for goods and services through websites and other online platforms (an indication of a planned change)