<span>Two opposite points are called the North and South Poles. How you can tell, is because the equator is line that circles the Earth halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole. </span>
the name given to a body of fresh water that is completely surrounded by land.
(D) corporations commit crimes whenever an employee of those corporations commit a crime, if it was while acting
In the American court apparatus, a company may be framed for a crime that the employee committed while working and as a representative of the company. However, if the employee commits a crime during his or her personal routine, which has nothing to do with the company's activities, the company will not be framed in the criminal act. For example, if during work hours a company employee runs over a person, the company may also be held responsible. If an employee runs over a person while off duty, in a particular routine, such as a trip to the mall, only the employee will be penalized.