Andrew Carnegie was born on November 25, 1835, in Dunfermline, Scotland. After moving to the United States, he worked a series of railroad jobs. By 1889 he owned Carnegie Steel Corporation, the largest of its kind in the world.
He supported French colonialism in Vietnam to stop communism.
This is known as the Peasant Revolt
In June rebels from Esscex and Kent marched toward London. On the 13th the Kentish men, under Wat Tyler, entered London, where they murdered some Flemish farmers.
It accommodated many groups in Mexican society, including business and military leaders, peasants, and while they were keeping real power in their own hands.
Explanation: The PRI was effective in implementing many economic and social reforms in Mexico, but not through liberal democracy. It redistributed land to peasants, supported labor unions, built an education system open to all Mexicans, and nationalized oil. On the other hand, it instituted essentially a single-party system and cracked down on all political opposition.