Commonly, genes from bacteria are inserted into a crop's chromosomes to produce pesticide substances to kill insects
For drought, I'm not fully sure, but Maize is a very drought resistant crop often introduced to communities which receive little rainfall. Maybe they take a gene from the maize crop and insert it into the chromosomes
The sample will disolve in less than one minute.... temperature changes the rate of reactions......
Here is your answer:
The proper answer to this question is "east".
Here is how:
When the wind blows from the south to the north the current of water will go to the east because of the direction of the air is blowing.
Your answer is east.
If you need anymore help feel free to ask me!
Hope this helps!
When we go to the beach one of the most exiting activities that we do is of course collect the best looking seashells. Now I have never seen seashells in another place other than the beach.
My point in this entery that I have just mentioned is that where there is seeashells there is body of water. What those fossils mean is that that particular place whhere those seashells were once found means that maybe a very long whille back that place was onetime a body of water. Some natural dissaster came and that place doughtet and the water moved to some place else.
My pleasure to help, over and out ;)
That Is is the Word is Sex The sex is the Same only way for if u have a Baby