The tail and the caudal fin are the chief locomotory organs of fish and are used for rapid swimming during which tail is lashed from side to side by "alternate contraction and relaxation" of the myomeres on the two sides of the vertebral column.
The answer would be (C) i believe.
Anabolism is a type of biochemical reaction that makes up metabolism, the other one is catabolism. Anabolism builds complex molecules from simpler ones, while catabolism breaks them down.
Neurons and muscle cells perform different functions, however they have the same DNA (genetic material) contained within them.
The function of muscle cells is to mechanically contact to allow the body to move in space.
The function of nerve cells is to send and receive signals. in order to trigger an event or elicit a response.
Most of the ways to stop invasive animal species from entering the Great Lakes ecosystem is starting with people themselves. try not to plant anything that would be invasive to the echo system and also try helping out by cleaning out the Great Lakes by picking up litter and so forth