Why is it important to get a resting respiratory rate as a vital sign rather than a rate while a person is active?
Well, because it shows your heart is actually resting.
Practical skills such as good hand-eye co-ordination, fine coordination and visuo-spatial awareness
excellent vision
good organisational and communication skills
the ability to lead and manage a team effectively
stamina to cope with a busy an demanding role
the ability to inspire confidence in others
stress relates to nutrition in that <em>the more stressed a person is, the more likely he'll crave for food or not eat at all</em>
and it relates to substance abuse in that<em> stressed individuals sometimes make poor choices in managing stress</em>
"Stress" is a normal reaction of a person's body when faced with unexpected, challenging or demanding things.
The more stressed a person is, the more likely he'll choose unhealthy foods or those foods which are high in sugar. At this time, it is the person's comfort food. There's also a possibility that the person will not eat anything at all or skip his meals because of overthinking or doing many things.
Sometimes, a person makes poor choices in managing/coping with stress such as turning into substance abuse, smoking, binge-drinking and so on.
Heating blankets or ice pack. Whatever feels better. Also taking Tylenol may take the edge of the pain off. Hope this helps get well!