What hand to use.
The most likely hand they will use is their dominant hand e.g if you are right-handed you will most likely use your right hand to throw the ball.
The correct answer would be "avoiding body piercings and tattoos".
Bone pain, numbness, fatigue, mental fogginess, etc.
Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer which forms in plasma cell (a type of white blood cell). Plasma cell makes antibodies which help the body in fighting against infections but in the case of Multiple myeloma cancer cells crowd out the healthy blood cells and gets accumulate in the bone marrow and rather than creating antibodies cancer cells starts producing harmful abnormal proteins that can cause complications.
It's symptoms include:
- Bone pain, especially in chest and spine.
- Numbness in legs.
- Mental fogginess.
- Infections.
- Weight loss.
- Loss of appetite.
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