The root word of geography is geo, which means the earth.
I believe he controlled people opinions, the influenced them with games and other things. Public feasts and holidays were another popular opinion influence.
Answer: The choice of a submarine to either sink or float depends on the captain of that submarine. For a submarine to sink the captain just have to allow water to fill the water tank (lock), making the submarine more dense than the water it has displaced. For it to float, it just have to empty the water tank and allow air to fill it.
When a boat in a canal lock sank, the water level will rise, because the volume of the boat has displaced more water, and this displaced water will cause the water level to rise. The space occupied by an object in a water, is equal to the volume of water been displaced.
I anticipate the economy will improve over the next five years. The coronavirus pandemic has hurt small businesses and people have lost money. But hopefully there will not be a return of the virus on a large scale and the economy will improve. The economy was very good before the pandemic. I believe it will be good again.
Change it up some to use your own words, but you get an idea.