with the given choices
A) statements by a character about clothes they like.
B) “Ophelia is mad,” he said.
C) the narrator describing a character as “polite”
D) a character making a list of things they hate
E) “Orville sighed as he looked at the ad for the new phone. He really ought to save his money instead. But just thinking about the phone made his hands quiver uncontrollably.”
Direct tells the reader
Indirect shows the reader
E) “Orville sighed as he looked at the ad for the new phone. He really ought to save his money instead. But just thinking about the phone made his hands quiver uncontrollably.”
You need to check each sentence for errors. If there's an extra letter, such as the "s" in "reads" (#1) you need to use the symbol which deletes a letter. If a sentence/word is missing a word/letter... you need to use a symbol to show that a word/letter should be shown there.
Point of view is essentially who is telling the story, such as first, third, and so on.
Servants of the Capulet and Montague houses start a fight. Benvolio sees them and rises his sword to stop the fight. On the other hand, when Tybalt sees Benvolio he immediately prepares to attack. This shows how opposites Benvolio and Tybalt are: Benvolio is a more rational, calmed man whereas Tybalt is impulsive and prone to fight.
An example of how they are foil characters can be found in their first interaction. Benvolio says to the servants,
<em>Part fools! Put up your swords; you know not what you do</em>
attempting to separate them and asks Tybalt to"keep the peace" to which Tybalt replies
<em>What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee</em>
Truthful request is the theme from the quit India speeches. Quit India campaign was a national protest movement based on “Satyagraha” that called for an end to British colonial rule in India and the establishment of Indian sovereignty through nonviolent resistance and peaceful violation of laws. In 1942, in a fiery speech in Mumbai, Mahatma Gandhi gave a 'do or die' call to the people of India in a final push to make the British quit.
Many claim that the Quit India speech by Gandhi was a Civil Disobedience Movement that was a huge launch for independence. Throughout Gandhi's speech he requested the withdrawal of British rule from India through mass nonviolent protest asking desperately for the freedom for the Indian People.
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