Answer: the correct answer is call-to-action.
Answer: Los anticuerpos son proteínas especializadas en forma de Y que se unen como un candado y llave a los invasores extraños del cuerpo, ya sean virus, bacterias, hongos o parásitos. Son el batallón de "búsqueda" del sistema de búsqueda y destrucción del sistema inmunológico, encargado de encontrar un enemigo y marcarlo para su destrucción.
C. The sale of equipment.
Investing activities: It records those activities that include the long-term asset buying and selling. The buying is a cash outflow while the sale is a cash inflow.
The cash outflow decreases the cash balance whereas cash inflow increases the cash balance. So the buying would be shown in a negative sign while the selling is shown in the positive sign
Hence, the correct option is C.
In the context of the different techniques used by an inference engine to manipulate a series of rules, <u>forward chaining</u> refers to a series of "if-then-else" condition pairs.
<h3>What is an inference engine? </h3>
An inference engine is a part of the system that applies logical rules to the knowledge base to deduce new information. The first inference engines were components of expert systems.
Therefore, the correct answer is forward chaining.
learn more about forward chaining: