Answer and Explanation:
In the short story "The Red Fox Fur Coat", author Teolinda Gersão plants seeds from the very beginning indicating that the main character, a humble bank clerk, will return to her "foxy" self.
The bank clerk has awakened her primal self, which is represented by a fox. The narrator first indicates that in the very first paragraph of the story, when the clerk sees the fur coat for sale. She is obsessed with it, thinking "[t]here wasn't another one like it." From this point on, the narrator often describes the bank clerk's appearance, thoughts, feelings, and behavior, all of which are becoming more and more wild. Her senses are sharp; her instincts are vivid. She feels powerful, more energetic. She runs, smells, laughs, eats, enjoys life - everything she does is intense, driven. Bit by bit, the narrator reveals the woman's "foxy" self until she is "reincarnating her body, rediscovering her animal body." There is no way to tell her skin from the skin of the coat; no way to tell the woman from the animal anymore.
It figuratively means that the speaker is too busy working on his/her own things and making them better and cannot focus or help someone else.