The answer is ; manufactured goods could be shipper westward, and cattle grain could be shipper eastward.
The first Americans were hunters, gatherers, and fishermen, and this way of life continued in tropical rainforests and cold northern woods. Other peoples became farmers. In the Andes of South America they grew potatoes and herded llama. In fertile river valleys, MOUND BUILDERS grew corn, beans, and squash.
Answer:D. expand into surrounding areas by taking lands away from nobles.
Explanation:feudalism was a thriving and population custom and tradition of the people of the medieval times between the Ninth and fifteenth century in great Britain and military controlled states.
In feudalism, the king is the owner is f the lands in his kingdom,he gives some to some person who helped him during battles as fighters known as VASSALS. This vassals receive these lands in exchange for military service in wars or battles.