The birth of the Red Cross
Dunant called for the creation of national relief societies to assist those wounded in war, paving the way for the future Geneva Conventions. Dunant and five of his peers then set up the International Committee for Relief to the Wounded in 1863.
2015 - 2020
According to South Korean Ministry of Information and Communication, by 2015 to 2020 there will be a robot in every household.
Oh Sang Rok, manager of South Korean ministry's intelligent service robot project has an even sooner estimate of making robots available in every household by 2010. However, this was a personal goal.
B. Bantu tribe members did not use relative size as a cue to depth
They found this out after telling members of the Bantu cultures to interpret a picture and compared it to the interpretation of picture made by European people.
The picture shows a hunter and an elephant that is far away from the hunter (which is why the elephant is drawn smaller). But as it turned out, the majority of Bantu people do not know that the size meant that the elephant is located far away. They just thought it's a small elephant.
D. Extroversion and Psychoticism