The symbolism used in the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock is meant to connect the everyday existence of a student living in an urban setting to the expectations which society upholds without reflection. As such, the lack of meaning that the main character of the poem fails to find in his studies is directly correlated to the absurd expectations which the greater part of his education forces down on him. These verses says this most clearly: ¨No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be; Am an attendant lord, one that will do, To swell a progress, start a scene or two¨
The italicized noun clause "That he run the mile in less than four minutes" Functions as an Appositive.
Appositive is usually a noun phrase that renames another noun or phrase. The italicized noun clause "That he run the mile in less than four minutes" is a good example of Appositive.
Appositive can be a combination of short or long words, they generally can be referred to as two nouns by which one identifies or defines the other, therefore they work well together. Adding an Appositive to a sentence does not mean that a sentence is incomplete but instead it adds more information about the other noun presented.
use" is" in place of "are"
According to subject verb agreement rule of English grammar subject and the verb associated with it should agree in number i.e singular subject should take singular verb and plural verb will be used when subject is plural.
Here subject is Goffin's cockatoo which is a singular noun hence "is" is the correct verb to be used with this subject while "are" is used and should be replaced with "is".