Lowered trade barriers will help the textile and apparel industry in under developed countries because there is more freedom for exchange of goods. Trade barriers hinders companies to export items to other countries or get imports from other countries so lowering it will allow more connection with other countries and will enable for the textile goods or finish products to be known to other countries and will also help allow the industry grow because more international clients will be accepted since it will be easier for them to export items with less hassle. It might be harmful because other people might exploit the industry that's why with lowered trade barriers arises more competitors. This will also allow smuggled good to be exported or imported with less security.
The Office of War Information was created during World War II and its main purpose was to deliver information and propaganda about the war easily in order for more American civilians to join the war effort.
This was very important during this time as people were needed in order for the United States to exceed in the war. World War II was costly, not only with money, but with lives and other needed goods. The United States government thought it was important to send out propaganda so people would feel a sense of patriotism for their country and help out with the effort.
A lot of this propaganda included radio shows, flyers, films, posters, pictures, newspapers, milk cartons, and other things that American citizens saw and used everyday. One of the most famous ones was the posters of Uncle Sam, saying "Uncle Sam wants you!", this attracted a lot of people to the war effort.
Not only were men needed to battle in the war, women were needed to help in factories at the time and to create much needed goods for soldiers.
According to the bible, Hebrews believed in the Ten Commandments thanks to Moses(hebrew) and God, who left the Commandments to Moses in Mount Sinai with the Israelites. You can learn the Ten Commandments in the Exodus Biblical book
An archaeologist is someone who studies artifacts