Some vehicles, like trailers, mobile homes, corporate vehicles, and heavy trucks, have different rules for registration and renewal.
1. Quality Control Department.
2. Research & Development Department.
3. Quality Assurance Department
4. Production Department.
A functional manager refers to an individual or person who is saddled with the responsibility of controlling and overseeing the affairs of an organizational unit such as a department.
This ultimately implies that, a functional manager only has management authority over the particular department he or she is heading within an organization.
Functional managers are responsible for just one organizational activity such as Quality Control Dept., Research & Development Dept., Production Dept., Quality Assurance Dept. etc.
The functions of these departments in an organization includes;
1. Quality Control Department: test samples of the product and the materials that go into making the product.
2. Research & Development Department: investigate a potential product with commercial value.
3. Quality Assurance Department: ensure all documents are accurate, complete and available.
4. Production Department: Make product by following documented procedures.
D. desire to surprise his friend and his friend’s failure to recognize him
Answer D
Correct. In these sentences, the author presents a humorous reversal that emerges from the ironic incongruity between the traveler’s plan to “overpower” his old friend with an excess of pleasure and the anticlimactic outcome of the surprise visit. As it turns out, the friend experiences no immediate pleasure from the visit because he fails to recognize the traveler and can only be made to remember him after the traveler gives a “gradual (in this context, methodical) explanation” of who he is.